雅思大作文的开头段起到了一个先声夺人的作用,所以大家在备考大作文写作的时候,多掌握一些写作的方法是很有必要的。下面南京朗阁雅思讲师为大家整理了关于雅思大作文开头段的写作方法,非常具有实际的参考价值,供大家参考。 In this essay, I will outline the main reasons why crime is still a problem even in developed countries, and suggest some measures which might be taken to control it. 这个题目要求讨论犯罪的原因并且提供解决方案。作者在引言段中开门见山地提出自己的文章主题,并且同时也交代了主体段的布局,即:一段写原因,一段写方案。这样写的优点在于可以直接看出文章的主题,节约了构思的时间,同时也让人对接下来的布局一目了然。类似的写法我们可以再来看以下的例子: In this essay, I will suggest some reasons why women still earn less than men and provide solutions. 有些同学会觉得这样写字数会不会不够,笔者自然也考虑到了这个问题;客观的讲,采用这种方法的文章,在主体段中必须有多的发挥。但是采用这种写法为主体段的构思腾出了多的时间。此外,我们可以通过在主题句前简单地加上一个导入句来增加引言段的字数。比如上面2个题目我们还可以这样来写: Crime: one of the biggest problems in the society of developed countries that is affecting good people every day. What causes crime? And how can it be reduced? Statistics show that women still earn less than men, although they have a legal right to equal pay in many countries. In this essay I will suggest some reasons why this is the case and provide solutions. Even if the pay gap between women and men is getting smaller and smaller each year it is still an existing. There are several reasons behind this. 通过对比,我们不难发现,这2种写法都可以迅速地将引言段在较短的时间里完成,考虑到引言段并非是写作评分的主要依据,因此建议考生不要在大作文引言段的构思上太过于纠结,主体段的论证才是关键。以下我们再来看2个例子: It is true that money given to developing nations rarely seems to have any effect in the long term. In this essay, I will give some reasons why this happens, and suggest ways the situation can be improved. In this essay, I will give some reasons why the money given to developing countries rarely seems to have any effect and suggest ways the situation can be improved. 通过以上的介绍,大家对于雅思大作文开头段的写作方法一定有了一个大概的了解,接下来就可以根据自己备考的实际情况进行加有针对性的集中式练习了,提醒考生在练习这些开头段的时候,一定要有自己的创新因素才能贴合题目拿到成绩。 (责任编辑:admin) |