雅思阅读考试主题是怎么分类的 ,雅思阅读考试的题材比较多,文章的主题范围也比较广泛。今天小编为大家带来的是雅思阅读主题分类总结内容,希望帮助到各位考生在备考中结合有效的练习提升阅读水平,在雅思阅读考试中能拿到一个更高的分数。 雅思阅读主题最新分类 1。自然(14篇) (01) V67-2:英国绿色农业 (04) V59-2:圣婴现象(ENSO) 「圣婴」一词源自西班牙文,(英文翻译为Christ Child),意为上帝之子,是100多年前南美洲 秘鲁和厄瓜多的渔民用来称呼发生于圣诞节前后,祕鲁附近海域海温异常偏暖的现象。科学研究显示 不仅和祕鲁附近海温的变化有关,也和热带东太平洋和西太平洋之间的海面气压的分布有关,就以 El Nino Southern Oscillation(简称ENSO)来表示热带太平洋大气和海洋之间的变化,也就 是一般所谓的圣婴现象。 (07) V35-2:圣婴现象 (10) V29-2:减少闪电危害Reduce lightning hazards (13) V25-1:自然周期与生物 (02) V66-1:自然周期与生物 (05) V38-3:海沙流失Sea Sand loss (08) V35-2:欧洲森林保育European forest conservation (11) V29-3:南非黄金开采 (14) V23-2:探索太空生物 (03) V63-1:海底热资源Hydrothermal resources (06) V36-1:热带雨林Tropical rain forest (09) V34-1:火山爆发Volcanic eruptions (12) V28-3:全球气候暖化Global warming 2。科技(14篇) (01) V65-3:海底探测船Submarine spacecraft (04) V36-3:摩斯密码Morse code (07) V35-1:桥梁修复Bridge repairment (10) V55-1:计算 雅思阅读主题最新分类_文档下载//www.wendangxiazai.com/b-9c8272c2f90f76c661371a8d.html 机化交通系统Computerized traffic system (13) V28-1:人造丝制造The manufacture of rayon (02) V62-2:澳洲医疗与中医Australian medical and TCM (05) V31-2:电信技术发展The development of telecommunications technology (08) V26-1:染料与颜料Dyes and Pigments (11) V54-2:交通工具发展The development of transport (14) V27-1:房屋构造与用途Housing construction and function (03) V43-3:澳洲皮肤癌Skin cancer in Australia (06) V31-3:非洲交通改革计划African transport reform plan (09) V56-2:信息技术与运输Information technology and transport (12) V53-2:城市交通问卷Urban Transport questionnaire 3。社会(14篇) (01) V67-1:医生与药品推销Doctors and drugs sell (04) V61-1:房屋分租广告Housing sublet A.D (07) V38-1:工作与家庭冲突 work-family conflict (10) V34-2:工作职务与权力 work duties and powers (13) V18-1:海滩旅游Beach Tourism (02) V64-1:面试之技巧 interview skills (05) V61-2:暑期艺术学校招生 Summer Art School Admissions (08) V37-1:自行车募款活动 bicycle fundraiser (11) V29-1:公司管理The Company Management (14) V14-3:室内空调与工作 Indoor air conditioning and work (03) V63-2:市场行销变迁Marketing Changement (06) V43-2:旅行社折扣方案travel agent discounts program (09) V37-3:家庭与青少年性格Family and Juvenile character (12) V22-1:工作场所吸烟smoking in the workplace 4。历史(13篇) (01) V65-2:美国电影发展American Film Development (04) V41-2:纸币发展史Soft Currency history and the development (07) V31-1:移民史History of Immigration (10) V54-1:钱币发展史Coin development history (13) V22-2:俄罗斯考古Russian archaeological (02) V59-1:定时器发展史Timer development history (05) V38-2:各国古代钱币Countries of ancient coins (08) V26-2:电影发展史History of Film Development (11) V53-1:定时器发展史History of timer development (03) 雅思阅读主题最新分类_文档下载//www.wendangxiazai.com/b-9c8272c2f90f76c661371a8d-2.html V41-1:城市交通工具演进 Evolution of urban transport (06) V36-2:地图发展史Map development history (09) V57-2:各国古代钱币 Countries of ancient coins (12) V53-3:数字发展史 History of Number Development 5。动物(11篇) (01) V67-3:动物行为 Animal Behavior (04) V64-3:眼镜蛇毒液 cobra venom (07) V57-1:热带雨林蝴蝶tropical rainforest butterfly (10) V22-2:昆虫翅榜演化Evolution of insect wings (02) V66-2:鲑鱼保育salmon conservation (05) V61-3:鸟类成长birds grow (08) V56-1:蝴蝶演化Butterfly Evolution (11) V18-3:动物学习语言Animal learning a language (03) V65-1:蝴蝶农场Butterfly Farm (05) V59-3:海豚与鲸鱼dolphins and whales (09) V23-3:病虫害防治pest control 6。人颣(10篇) (01) V41-3:体育运动 Sports (04) V56-3:冒险心理研究Adventure Psychological Research (07) V54-3:人类体能极限研究Research of human physical limitation (10) V23-1:阅读速度reading speed (02) V34-3:天才genius (06) V55-3:视觉暂留实验persistence of vision experiments (09) V27-2:小学生智力研究primary school Intelligence Research 7。教育(12篇) (01) V66-3:语言变迁原因Language Changing Cause (04) V37-2:两课程比较two courses cooperation (07) V25-3:小孩成人语言能力C 雅思阅读主题最新分类_文档下载//www.wendangxiazai.com/b-9c8272c2f90f76c661371a8d-3.html hild and Adult language skills (10) V17-2:双语学校Bilingual School (02) V63-3:语言学研究Linguistic Studies (05) V28-2:改进大学教学to improve university teaching (08) V18-2:各种兴趣班various interest classes (11) V14-1:学生选课Student elective 以上是小编为大家带来的雅思阅读主题分类总结内容,希望各位考生在备考中结合有效的练习提升阅读水平,在雅思阅读考试中能拿到一个更高的分数。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |