因此要写出一篇出彩的托福独立写作作文,我们需要从两个方面入手:思路和语言。好的思路是通过练习解题形成,而好的语言则是积累语料得来。 就“语料”而,我们平时在看作文范文的时候很大一个任务就是要从中选取自己可以运用的“语料库”。同学们也可以读英文原版的文章、新闻甚至是托福阅读文章,找到自己能运用的词、句子或者是论点,从而像堆积木一样堆积成自己的作文。下面通过一道真题为大家讲解如何在作文范文中积累“语料” 题目: Do youagree or disagree with the following statement? Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend11 month a year studying. 下面是一小段范文段落: What’smore, students need spare time to develop other skills that would benefit theirdevelopment in turn. People need breaks from their work and study to recreate,to relax, and to be refilled. Also, students should spend time in socialactivities to develop their skills. Forexample, party with friends can promote one’s communicating skills when they goaround among strangers and try to make friends with them. Also, organizinga social event like a campus music concert can boost one’s leadership skillwhen they have to lead a group of people and make the final decisions. What’smore, some social activities like a fund raise for the poor can help studentsto notice the current concerns and issues of the world. All these skills willhave a great impact on students’ future development. 在这个范文段落中有哪些内容可以用作我们的“语料”呢? 我们先来看下这句话“Forexample, party with friends can promoteone’s communicating skills when they go around among strangers and try tomake friends with them.” 这句话中“promote one’scommunicating skills”的中文意思是“提高沟通能力”。那我们还能怎么运用这句话呢? 比如,当你遇到以下题目“socialactives和classes哪个重要?”,你就可以写“social activities重要,因为它能promote one’scommunicating skills.” 再如,当你遇到的题目是“你是选择big company还是small company工作?”, 你就可以写“选择bigcompany工作,因为人多,可以promote my communicating skills”。 后,“work alone与work in a team哪个加好?”你就可以写“work in a team好,因为可以promote one’scommunicating skills”. 学会了如何积累“语料库”之后,我们再看托福独立写作范文的时候就能有效的把读到的语言变为自己所用。 (责任编辑:admin) |