其实很多不擅长托福作文的考友存在的问题都有惊人的类似点,改几个人的作文就能归纳出相同的突出问题,所以,小编针对这些相似的突出问题没和大家分享一些“如何写出托福写作”的技巧和经验。 首先,给大家介绍一下普遍面临的突出问题 1,审题不到位,导致后面展开论述不贴和题目甚至跑题。 2,段主题段不知道怎么展开。 3,为了追求高尚大的句型错误连篇,尤其是段的开篇。 4,不知道怎么展开1+3+1中的3段论述,不会举例子! 5,论述不完整! 我个人认为,同时很多老师也认为,托福写作其实是 简单 容易提数的一项!因为这是应试作文,有固定的模式,绝对能够短期提分数! 我现在以两个题目,跟大家说一下托福独立写作到底怎么写,其中 重要的是怎么破题。 例文1:Teacher should assign homework to students every day? 步:解构题目。 主语:Teacher. 动词:assign homework 受方: students 方式(how):Everyday 拿到题目,迅速在脑海中按照主语、动词、谓语和方式四个关键词解构题目。本题一个should,暗含的意思是,是否beneficial,是否good。 破题关键词的意思是:在下面的展开论述中,每一个词都不能落下!比如上题,你就不能落了everyday。同时,不要自己发散关键词的意思!(比如,不要把everyday等同于too much!!因为题目中只是说每天布置作业,并不意味着每天的量都很大。如果你想从everyday= too much来这个角度展开思路,你要落在纸面上。不能默认!) 这题有两种角度可以切入,从teacher的角度,比如,每天布置作业加大了老师的工作量,老师过度疲劳,所以不应该;从students的角度,每天做作业导致压力过大,过度疲劳,对学习失去兴趣,所以不应该。 所以,这个题目,从切入点写,我们可以有三种方式,分别是: 1,should not。对老师非常不好。 2,should not。对学生非常不好。 3,should not。对学生和老师都不好。 选择相反的should的切入点,亦然。 第二步:选择立场。 Agree or disagree? 在 短的时间内,在脑海中迅速的过一遍两种观点,看哪一种好写。如果你在选择立场时不能立刻想出两个可以展开的观点,就立刻选择相反的立场。 好写的意思是: 1.能够写出三个支持观点。 2.能够写出例子。 第三步:开始敲字。 1,段写法: A.选择好立场,把题目改写后直接敲在屏幕上。I agree that the teacher should assign homework to students every day. 可以改写的方式: I believe that assigning homework by teacher to students is of great benefits. I hold that students can gain a lot by doing homework every day. I agree that teacher should assign homework to students daily. 大家可以看出,不管怎样的主题句改写,四个已经解构的关键词都不能舍弃! B.然后在前面加背景句子。这里的背景句子,一定是你以前已经背下来的万能开头句子了,看大量满分作文后,总结出适合自己的万能开头句。一定要证句子百分之一百正确!开头的错误会让判卷人很反感。 第四步:依次敲入三个分论点的段落的主题句+结论。 这样先敲的好处是——证三段论结构完整,不至于敲着来不及了。注意使用Firstly, secondly, last but not least;或者 first of all, moreover, in addition,或者其他类型的。 举例: 写法1: Topic Sentence:同意。 Argument1: Doing homework every day reinforces what have learned during class, thus doing good to students' performance. Argument2: Doing homework every day forces students to form the habit of dealing time wisely, which is of great importance for further career. Argument3:Doing homework every day reminds students of their main task, that is academic study. Conclusion: Teachers' assigning homework every day will benefit students in many respects, so I totally agree. 写法2: Topic Sentence:不同意。 Argument1: Doing homework every day forces students to be occupied by study tasks and takes too much spare time, thus harming well-rounded development of students. Argument2: Doing homework every day discourages students to study positively and actively and reduces their interest of self-study. Argument3:Doing homework every day harms the harmonious relationship between teachers and students. Conclusion: Teachers' assigning homework every day will undermine students in many respects, so I totally disagree. 基本上,十分钟过去后,屏幕上你就已经打完我上面列出的这些东西+完整开头了。 第五步:填充三个段落,完整论述每一个观点! 1,举生活中的事例,“每个人心中都有一个小明” 比如:每天做作业有利于加深记忆。Take my friend Xiaoming for example, once his teacher assigned homework every day and he benefited from this a lot. He used to be poor at memorizing all the equations and notions when learning Math. One of the reasons lays that his teacher did not assign homework after class, thus he lacked enough chances to practice. As we all know, practice makes perfect. However, his teacher changed the way of assigning homework to a daily way. By doing homework every day, Xiaoming made faster progress in learning Maths. 这种举例,只要一步一步完整论述完事实,就成了~ 2, 利用名人名言和名人事例展开。 一般格式是,谁谁once said+名言+(他的)事例展开+你自己的总结。 而不是!!直接把名言说出来就完了! 比如:台上一分钟 台下十年功。如果你要用这个名言,那就这样写. One of the old Chinese sayings goes like this, one minute's performance on the stage and ten years' practice off the stage. This means that If we want to achieve the best result, we have to do tremendous practice day by day. Thus, doing homework every day can help students grasp the knowledge firmly. 在利用名言的展开中,以上三句话,几乎是缺一不可的,只能多,不能少!否则论述很难完整。注意连接词的运用,this means 和thus~~ 3,利用调查、研究展开。 一般格式是,有一个报纸,机构或者什么做了个调查,调查方式是, 调查人群是,结果是,百分比是。 第六步:检查。 一般敲完文章,我还有3分钟时间检查。 平时练习我一般能够打到500到600字,但实际考试我只来得及写400+,因为会脑袋短路,展开就没那么顺利了。但正好也有时间检查,快速浏览一遍,把小错误改掉~ 基本就结束了 (责任编辑:admin) |