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时间:2015-07-14 13:57来源:朗阁小编作者:don


  Paragraph 1: Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record.

  How was the gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?

  Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans.Very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale.

  12. Look at the four squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.

  This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages.

  Where would the sentence best fit?



  Paragraph 7:The raising of livestock is a major economic activity in semiarid lands, where grasses are generally the dominant type of natural vegetation. The consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area are the reduction of the vegetation cover and the trampling and pulverization of the soil. This is usually followed by the drying of the soil and accelerated erosion.

  12. Look at the four squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.

  This economic reliance on livestock in certain regions makes large tracts of land susceptible to overgrazing.

  Where would the sentence best fit?


  指示代词this+名词,去前面找economic reliance on livestock的同意概念,先运用无耻技巧1排除个空,然后看第二个空之前也就是句,有livestock is a major economic activity,直接选第二个。


  Paragraph 6: Because they are always swimming, tunas simply have to open their mouths and water is forced in and over their gills. Accordingly, they have lost most of the muscles that other fishes use to suck in water and push it past the gills. In fact, tunas must swim to breathe. They must also keep swimming to keep from sinking, since most have largely or completely lost the swim bladder, the gas-filled sac that helps most other fish remain buoyant.

  11. Look at the four squares [l that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.

  Consequently, tunas do not need to suck in water.

  Where would the sentence best fit?

  先看待插入的句子,Consequently,常规思路3,按照逻辑词的逻辑关系,先排除个空。看到句有because,认为第二个空可能 对。再往后看,有同学说第二,第四空之后都有they,排除了选第三个。这就是我刚才提醒过的,当一段只有一个主语,或者说每句的主语都有一个词的时候, 这种用其后后代词的排除法就失效了。看这段,每句的主语都是tunas,所以说,不能用代词排除了。



  Paragraph 6: Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost. Glaciers may form in permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying with them huge quantities of eroded rock debris. In dry areas the wind is the principal agent of erosion. It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby wearing them into yet more sand. Even living things contribute to the formation of landscapes. Tree roots force their way into cracks in rocks and, in so doing, speed their splitting. In contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.

  11. Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

  Under different climatic conditions, another type of destructive force contributes to erosion.

  Where would the sentence best fit?

  看句子,another type,常规思路四,在空后寻找type of destructive force contributes to erosion. 的同意概念,个空,the wind is the principal agent of erosion. 就是。如果你不放心,往下看看吧,第二个,有it,无耻技巧二有代词者排除,第三个even,甚至,不符合逻辑。第四个,有their,代词,排除掉。



