准备到美国留学的小伙伴对于SAT考试应该不陌生,SAT2是同学们去美国读书某些学校要求的考试科目。其中大家对SAT可能了解的比较多,那么SAT2考试呢?大家了解SAT2科目吗,要怎样备考呢?SAT2考试成绩又是怎样的呢?今天编辑就来给大家介绍一下有关SAT2考试成绩的问题,希望能给同学们带来帮助。 很多同学们对于SAT2考试成绩的计算方法还是比较模糊的,今天就为大家普及一下这方面的知识。SAT1SAT2不一样。SAT2考试,一般考生都会参加三门SAT2科目,但是这三门考试是分开计算成绩的,不算总分。美国学校对SAT2成绩也是按照学科来要求的,不会对总成绩提出要求。 Scores for all SAT Subject Tests are reported on a 200- to 800-point scale, where 200 is the lowest score and 800 is the highest. A student’s scaled score is computed by first establishing a raw score as follows: SAT2成绩最低200分,最高800分。学生的成绩根据以下规定计算: 1. For each correct answer, the student earns one point. 每答对一个问题,得一分。 2. For a wrong answer to a question with five answer choices, the student loses one-quarter point. 在有五个选项的题目中,每答错一个问题,扣0.25分 3. For a wrong answer to a question with four answer choices, the student loses one-third point. 在有四个选项的题目中,每答错一个问题,扣0.3分 4. For a wrong answer to a question with three answer choices, the student loses one-half point. 在有三个选项的题目中,每答错一个问题,扣0.5分 5. No points are deducted for unanswered questions. 不答不扣分 The raw score is converted to a score on a 200- to 800-point scale. This is the score that appears on the score report. 在考生的SAT2成绩单上,考生的SAT2成绩会转化为200到800的形式显示。 关于怎样计算SAT2考试成绩的问题编辑就给大家介绍这么多了,大家一定注意区分SAT和SAT2考试,明确SAT2考试的科目。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |