上周的雅思考试已经结束啦,大家考的怎么样呢,本周考试的同学准备的怎么样呢,祝大家取得好成绩哦。 Part1题目汇总(加粗题为新题) DecorationPlant trees MathHome country MuseumChange Picnic Text messages FarmWeekends New yearProgram ColorHometown SingingTaking a rest NameMorning Routine Happiness Sports Concentration Bargain Part2 新题汇总 物品类 Describe a piece of international news you have just recently heard. Describe a toy you had in your childhood. Describe an app on your computer or mobile phone. Describe a kind of bag you want to own. Describe an important thing for your family for a long period of time. Describe a wild animal you saw. Describe a kind of weather that you like. Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people. Describe what you think would be the perfect job for you. 事件类 Describe a short trip you often do but don’t like. Describe a live sport match. Describe a time you needed to use your imagination. Describe a time you made a promise to someone. Describe an occasion when you waited for something (or someone) for a long time. Describe a time when your computer had a problem. Describe an interesting conversation you had. Describe the first day of school. Describe an art exhibition you recently saw. Describe a time when it is important to tell your friend a truth. Describe a time when you give advice to others. Describe an unforgettable bike trip you had. Describe a time when you ate something for the first time. Describe a time when you felt bored. 人物类 Describe someone you like to visit but you don’t want to live with. Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes. Describe a famous person you’re interested in. Describe a polite person you know. 地点类 Describe a part of the city that you visited and enjoy spending time in. 朗阁名师汪婧点评 Part 1: 今天跟大家聊聊这个季度的高频part1话题museum。这个题目以前也考过好几次,这一次又回炉重造。整体难度不大,其实用上一些漂亮的搭配就可以解决“博物馆的好处”这个问题。比如expand people’s thoughts 扩展思维, appreciate the artworks of our ancestors 欣赏前人所制的艺术品, stimulate interest towards history 激发对历史的兴趣…… 当然了不能单纯用这些大词儿去套,我们还要部分去扩展一些和自己有关的内容。比如在science museum科学博物馆里,我们可以observe the fossil of dinosaurs 参观恐龙化石, or move our hands around the plasma ball to see the amazing tentacles emitted by the electrode in the middle…. 把手放在等离子球附近,看到那炫酷的触手一般的电光…… 这样是不是启发了大家呢?都去试试说一说自己感兴趣的内容吧~ Part2: 本季度有一个很高频的话题“描述一个你偶尔参与的昂贵的活动”。这个话题很多人都会想到听演唱会,其实如果你自己有喜欢的歌星,不妨以此为素材。不过我们完全可以打开思维,想想更多自己经历过的有意思但又有点贵的事儿。比如很多喜欢二次元的同学会偶尔去漫展玩,漫展可不便宜呢。门票+服装+周边的钱,加起来也是不小的一笔开销呢。除此以外,和友人去高档餐厅里吃一顿大餐,出国玩一趟,穿上一套汉服美美出街……都是不错的素材。 归根结底,题目的素材到底说什么,还是要往自己感兴趣的方向去找。因为只有自己感兴趣,才能真的说得多,说得顺! 考试建议 马上就要进入2月了,大家备考得如何了呢?由于疫情关系,不少场次在陆续取消。所以建议大家,准备好了就赶紧去考吧。早拿到成绩早安心,不是吗?总之,祝大家一切顺利! (责任编辑:jasmine) |