Part1题目汇总(加粗题为新题) DecorationPlant trees MathRecycling MuseumChange Picnic Text messages FarmWeekends New yearProgram ColorHometown SingingTaking a rest NameMorning Routine Happiness Sports Concentration Bargain Part2 新题汇总 物品类 Describe a piece of international news you have just recently heard. Describe a toy you had in your childhood. Describe an app on your computer or mobile phone. Describe a kind of bag you want to own. Describe an important thing for your family for a long period of time. Describe a wild animal you saw. Describe a kind of weather that you like. Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people. Describe what you think would be the perfect job for you. 事件类 Describe a short trip you often do but don’t like. Describe a live sport match. Describe a time you needed to use your imagination. Describe a time you made a promise to someone. Describe an occasion when you waited for something (or someone) for a long time. Describe a time when your computer had a problem. Describe an interesting conversation you had. Describe the first day of school. Describe an art exhibition you recently saw. Describe a time when it is important to tell your friend a truth. Describe a time when you give advice to others. Describe an unforgettable bike trip you had. Describe a time when you ate something for the first time. Describe a time when you felt bored. 人物类 Describe someone you like to visit but you don’t want to live with. Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes. Describe a famous person you’re interested in. Describe a polite person you know. 地点类 Describe a part of the city that you visited and enjoy spending time in. 朗阁名师汪婧点评 Part 1: 新题季第二场考试,我们收集到的题目有些微变化。具体还是请大家参考这个季度的朗阁口语题库哦~ Part1这季度增加了一些抽象类的题目,比如decoration,bargain等等,但又和我们日常生活分不开。这就考验同学们的词汇和表达水平啦。比如decoration这个题,房子的装修叫做renovation或者refurbishment,而贴在墙上的海报是poster,贴纸是sticker,相册是album,冰箱贴是fridge magnet(因为是磁铁吸上去),墙纸是wall paper,窗帘是curtain…… 相信有了这些词汇,大家应该不会觉得decoration有什么难的了吧? Part2: 这个季度有一个很有趣的题目,买到后令你高兴的东西。很多同学不知道应该怎么样细节地去表达自己的开心的心情。这边汪老师给大家一个很有用的tips——到美国亚马逊amazon.com上面,搜商品关键词,然后查看五星评价,看看外国人是怎么用地道的英语去夸自己喜欢的产品的。这样是不是很轻松呢? 汪老师自己在设计素材的时候也经常会参考亚马逊,这实在是一个很好用的工具。 考试建议 新题季第三场考试就要来啦,相信一些急着出分的考生已经摩拳擦掌了吧?大家抓紧时间,把1-4月题库中的划下划线的部分(新题)好好地去准备。能串题就串题,不能串题就尽量讲自己熟悉的,喜欢的事物。其实在短时间内语气去背诵网上抄来的素材,不如多去打磨自己的东西,更有助于发挥哦~ 总之希望大家顺利和雅思分手! (责任编辑:jasmine) |