南京朗阁小编今天为大家介绍的是2018年12月13日雅思口语考题回顾,希望各位同学们有所帮助哦! Part1题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) NameHometown Work or studyAccommodation TeacherCity Season/weatherSunglasses Drinking waterPainting FoodColor Map Hobby RoomBeing bored Save moneyParks/gardens SportsShoes Take photos Colors Part2题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) 人物类: Describea person you know who is talkative Describe a person who tries to protect the environment Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country Describe a childhood friend of yours Describe an interesting person that you never meet but want to know Describe a teenager that you know 地点类: Describe a building you like Describe a beautiful city that you know Describe a place you would like to visit in the future Describe a quiet place you found Describe an interesting city that you know 物品类: Describe an important plant in your country Describe a film or TV program that makes you laugh Describe a magazine you enjoy watching. Describe a book that you recently read Describe a good law in your country Describe a skill that takes you long time to learn Describe a gift that you made and gave it to others Describe a second language (except English) that you want to learn Describe a game that you played in your childhood Describe something given to you that you really need Describe a successful family business that you know Describe a sport that you have watched before and you want to try Describe an interesting animal Describe someuseful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school 事件类: Describe a time that you had to change your plan Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift Describe an experience that you were scared Describesomething that can help you concentrate on work/study Describe a time when you look for information on the Internet Describe a time that you took some medicine Describe the time when received your first cell phone Describe a vacation(trip) (away from home) you would like to have in the future Describe something you own that you want to replace Describe something given to you that you really need Describe an important decision you made with the help of others Describe an occasion when a home appliance broke down or stopped working Describe a complaint that you are satisfied with the result Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t 朗阁讲师吴玲点评: Part 1: 口语Part1部分的题目都是比较生活化,口语化的,换句话说就是考生不至于一句话都说不出,但是针对考官的问题仅仅说几个单词是远远不够的,Part1部分要求考生做到回答时active一点,在给出正面回答之后,主动补充理由,争取给考官留下一个好印象!此外,Part 1部分的题型变化不多,考生们在备考时可以参考以往题型,根据自身情况来准备,切忌套用别人答案或者考场上背答案哦~ Part2: 在Part 2部分,很多考生面临的问题不是说不到两分钟,而是被考官打断都没有说到重点——最后一个让大家解释的问题!这也警示考生们在备考阶段要自己把控好时间,把重点放在最后一个问题上,更多地去描述自己的感想~另外尽量避免一些自己不了解的话题,以防考官在part3跟你讨论这些话题,所以在Part2部分选材尽量简单、生活化。 对于Part2高频话题,考生可以根据自身情况准备素材,一些“陈词滥调”的话题大家尽量避免哦~相信考官应该听了无数遍一样的回答了2333 雅思分手秘诀: 1. Be confident!!!口语考试时大家一定要拿出自己的自信来,不要畏畏缩缩不敢说哦。与其说的小声让考官误以为你不会说,不如大声地把自己的想法说出来。 2. 口语考试中不要出现“I don’t know/ I have no idea”这样的回答。一方面会给考官留下不积极配合的印象;另一方面会显示自己没法很好地运用英语表达自己的观点。如果遇到生疏话题,可以联想其他topic的素材,要学会自圆其说来避免尴尬。 3. 考过雅思的同学们知道,听考官的问题和听雅思听力压根不是一回事儿,很多考生会出现以下情况:回答准备得很充分,但是没听清考官的问题,这就尴尬了对不对。所以要求考生们在备考时也要去练习听力。最简单的办法就是适当“听一听”英美剧(内心OS:我不是在看剧,我是在学习hhhh.)最后祝大家早日和雅思分手! (责任编辑:jasmine) |