想拿到满意的gmat写作分数的话,在备考的过程中,同学们必须要学会正确使用gmat写作范文: 1.对于gmat写作备考初期的考生来说,大家可以先用范文来了解gmat写作的文章结构和内容拼合,也可以按照范文的结构牛刀小试,然后在时间的过程中不断总结,改进自己的写作方法和水平。 2.对于备考中后期考生来说,大家可以按照自己在使用模板过程中的总结来对范文进行改进和整合,可以根据自己的需求让范文为自己所用。也可以根据自己的写作习惯进行改良,整合出适合自己的写作模板,这样在考试现场也可以帮助节省思考的时间,为gmat写作的顺利完成提供障。 3.对于即将奔赴考场的同学来说,大家可以事先背诵几篇范文以防万一,这样到了考场上可以缓解考生的紧张情绪,帮助考生顺利答题,对于证考生发挥出正常的写作水平非常有帮助。 gmat写作优秀范文分享: 开头:The author concluded that with long experience of 25 years, Olympic foods will be able to maximize profits and minimize costs because the processing cost has gone down in color film industry. 中间论证:Firstly, the argument assumed that the color film industry is similar to food industry. Secondly, the author failed to address other factors that are important to a company's success. Finally, the speaker did not include any information on Olympic management approach. 结尾:In sum, the argument is not compelling because it omitted many other factors that must be addressed in order to make proper conclusion. 看了今天的gmat写作资讯,同学们该清楚如何使用gmat写作范文 正确了吧!那么,到这里,南京朗阁小编准备的文章就全部结束了, 后,提前预祝各位早日取得优秀的gmat写作分数!谢谢合作! (责任编辑:admin) |