GMAT写作首段的作用 一篇优秀的GMAT写作作文离不开一个漂亮的开头段。一篇文章,无论其内容如何丰富,论述如何精彩,没有一个好的开头段作为引导,都很难得到考官的好评。开头段的重要性可见一斑。 1. 开头段能简要说明论述的观点,让读者眼前一亮。需要注意的是,在简要说明观点时,不要原句照抄题目中的观点,适当变换一下表达方法是必要措施。 2. 简要指出题干中观点的漏洞,展示自己的写作方向。考生不要在开头段中具体展开观点的漏洞,简单指出问题在哪里即可,把详细展开部分留到正文当中,欲扬先抑,引起读者的兴趣。 写GMAT作文首段的注意事项 1. 首段语言应简洁扼要。对于一篇优秀的GMAT 驳论文来说,开头段应注意简洁扼要,通过寥寥数句把观点表达清楚即可,建议以三到四句话为准。过长的开头段会让人感觉头重脚轻,导致文章整体失衡,是GMAT写作的大忌。 2. 开头段句要引用题目。开头段的句话可以通过引用题目内容自然过渡到自己的论述当中。没头没脑的直奔主题,会让人产生突兀的感觉,对于一篇以论述为主的文章来说是十分不利的。 3. 好的GMAT作文需要控制首段的长度。开头对文章很重要,但写得太多也会影响文章整体结构,即便考生觉得有很多话可以说或者想要把开头写得引人入胜,但首 段的长度还是需要控制的。一般来说,如果整篇文章有3个观点段,那么开头大致不应该超过全文的1/5。如果开头过长,会显得文中的论述不够充分。 GMAT写作首段经典开篇句式 因为开头段需要简洁,因此适当套用一些常用的句式是不错的选择。考生可以提前准备一些合适的模板,尽量用自己的语言来进行讲述和整理,在写开头段时直接套用即可,既能节省时间又能证质量。 1. This argument contains some egregious flaws in reasoning making the conclusion doubtful. 2. The success of this recommendation is doubtful considering the logical flaws and faulty assumptions on which it is based. 3 .The arguer may be right about ..., but he seems to neglect (fail) to mention (take into account) the face that... 4 .Although many people believe that ..., I doubt whether the argument can bear much (further) analysis (close examination). 5. Although it is commonly (widely/generally) accepted (held/agreed) that ..., It is unlikely to be true that... 6. (Indeed) There is an element (some elements) of truth in this argument (statement), but it ignores a deeper and more basic (important/essential) fact that... 7. It is true that (Trento be sure, admittedly,) ..., but it is unlikely (it won't be the case/it does not mean) that... 8.The main (obvious/great) problem (flaw/drawback) with (in ) this argument(view) is that .... It is ignorant of the basic fact that... 9. It would be possible (natural/reasonable) to think (believe/take the view) that ..., but it would be absurd (wrong) to claim (arguer) that... 10. Too much emphasis placed on (attention paid to)... may obscure (overlook/neglect) other facts... (责任编辑:admin) |