一、GMAT逻辑加强题的答案特点 1、让结论成立,提高结论成立的可能性,表达与结论类似的观点。具体的类别有: 1)加强措施。 ① 目的能好达到。具体的思考方法:a.把选项和措施结合起来看;b.思考措施如何达到目的。 ② 若文章是两个措施作对比。则正确答案形式是:别的措施不好。 ③ 文中提及措施有无坏处。则正确答案形式是:加强没有坏处。 2)加强事实找原因——目的是说原因找对了。 ① 举例子说明原因找对了(即举否命题的例子)。 ② 举例子来直接支持or解释原因。 3)加强普通推理。 ① 若问题中加强conclusion。则正确答案形式是:优先考虑举例子直接说conclusion成立。 ② 若问题中加强argument。则正确答案形式是:放在原因&结论中间,提高结论成立可能性。 (做加法:选一个与原因平行的答案来加强结论) 2、事实加强比道理加强好,道理加强比假定加强好——当选择区分度较小时用这个原则。 二、GMAT逻辑错误答案的特点 1)相反答案(即削弱) 2)伪装答案——答案加强了一个与原文结论相似的结论 3)无关答案 三、GMAT逻辑加强题的解题技巧: 1、找出原文中的结论 2、锁定结论,几乎所有正确答案都对结论有影响 3、原文中有推理漏洞,需要仔细寻找加以支持 4、预先判断正确选项特征范围 四、GMAT逻辑加强题真题解析 OG16-P520-60 Advertising by mail has become much less effective, with fewer consumers responding. Because consumers are increasingly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of junk mail they receive, most discard almost all offers without considering them. Thus, an effective way for corporations to improve response rates would be to more carefully target the individuals to whom they mail advertising, thereby cutting down on the amount of junk mail each consumer receives. Which of the following, if true, would most support the recommendation above? (A) There are cost-effective means by which corporations that currently advertise by mail could improve response rates. (B) Many successful corporations are already carefully targeting the individuals to whom they mail advertising. (C) Any consumer who, immediately after receiving an advertisement by mail, merely glances at it, is very likely to discard it. (D) Improvements in the quality of the advertising materials used in mail that is carefully targeted to individuals can improve the response rate for such mail. (E) Response rates to carefully targeted advertisements by mail are considerably higher, on average, than response rates to most other forms of advertising. 解析:广告邮件的有效性变低。因为顾客收到垃圾邮件,大部分都想都不想就把它忽略了。因此,要提高回应率,应该针对性定位客户 A 现在公司用的这种通过邮件来广告的高性价比方式来提高反应率,无关选项。 B 很多成功的公司已经在针对性的定位客户了,无关选项。 C 任何一个客户在收到广告邮件时,几乎都看都不看,就把它扔掉,削弱。 D 邮件里用得广告材料质量应该具有针对性,从而提高反应率。无关选项。其他提高回应率的方式 E 针对性定位客户的回应率平均比其他广告形式的高,正确。说明针对性定位这个决策有用。 (责任编辑:admin) |